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The world is a pretty uncertain place right now due to the COVID-19 pandemic. People are worried about their health and their jobs, so it’s understandable that the last thing you might want to do is pay a stranger to walk through your home and perform HVAC repairs. For that reason, we’ve come up with some air conditioning tips for summer 2020 in Richmond to help you stay safe (and cool!) when the weather gets hot.

Having a stranger in your home might feel uncomfortable during the best of times, but it might be even more stressful during a pandemic. As we’ve been told to practice social distancing, you may feel that the last thing you want is someone entering your personal space. We completely understand, and are taking steps to...

No matter what’s happening in the world, nothing’s going to stop the heat from rolling into Richmond. If you’ve lived here any length of time, you’ll know that a well-functioning cooling system is a necessity. That’s why we’ve put together this list of common air conditioner mistakes to avoid this summer. Unfortunately, many of us...

We run our air conditioners constantly all summer here in Virginia — but are we wasting energy and money in the process? The answer is almost always YES! We can’t even begin to explain how much energy (and money!) goes to waste during the hot, humid months. You probably don’t want to turn your home...

It’s about to get hot and humid in Richmond — is your home ready? You might be giving all of your attention to commonly used areas such as your bedroom or living room, but have you ever thought about making sure your attic is ready for summer? In this post, we’ll talk about how a...

We’ve all seen the warnings from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the White House urging Americans to prepare for a coronavirus outbreak in the United States. Here in Richmond, it’s not uncommon to see people stocking up on water and bread ahead of a storm, so we’re used to prepping for potential calamity...

Can you feel it in the air? Winter is almost over. This is the perfect time to focus on your HVAC maintenance checklist for spring! The weather has fluctuated a lot throughout these cooler months, which means your heating and cooling system has been working hard. With just a few steps, you can shake off...

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