
admin, Author at W.G. Speeks - Page 5 of 15

Do you have small children in your home? If so, you might have already discovered that babies, toddlers, and preschoolers love floor vents. Their world is down on the ground, so it’s natural that these HVAC features capture their attention…and their toys. Unfortunately, there are several risks associated with young kids playing with registers. It...

Summer feels like it takes so long to arrive, and then it’s over in the blink of an eye. Before you know it, those warm, carefree months are behind us and we’re back to spending our time indoors. While it’s sad to see it end, there are always exciting things to look forward to in...

It’s hard to believe that we’re at the end of August already. With kids home from school and the warm weather calling, our schedules can change dramatically during the summer. When back-to-school season rolls around, we find ourselves getting back to the grindstone. This is the perfect time, then, to create an annual routine that...

The summer months can be quite rainy in Virginia, and it’s not uncommon to see some flooding. A little accumulation isn’t usually problematic, but what happens when your HVAC system is partially or fully submerged in water? If you’re not sure how to handle this situation, read on. Here are some ways to protect your...

It’s the middle of Virginia’s hurricane season, which means we’ve seen a lot of rainy days. When it’s summer, and all you want to do is get outside, this type of weather can be pretty frustrating. Aside from the damp conditions and high humidity, though, this time of year can present some challenges for your...

You want to be comfortable, but giving your A/C a break can be good for your budget. Not only can it decrease your monthly energy bill, but you might help prevent costly repair or replacement fees by not overworking your HVAC system. Of course, turning off your air conditioning once in a while is also...

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