
admin, Author at W.G. Speeks - Page 13 of 15

Save on Energy This Winter! You’ve probably began gearing up for all sorts of holiday cheer. With expenses like gifts and food for festivities and family we know all too well the value of a dollar. Here are a few tips from W.G. Speeks on how you can save on energy and keep some extra...

Furnace Preparation Checklist! We are now heading into November and into the colder months. With that said, if you haven’t already begun to think about furnace maintenance, repairs and replacements, now is the time. Having your furnace properly setup will allow you to remain comfortable, safe and may even save you a bit of money...

Energy efficiency plays a huge factor in monthly bills and budget savings when it comes to your HVAC system. By searching for the right options that will effectively impact your savings you can begin to have a bit more freedom in your family budget. Here at W.G. Speeks we love to speak with customers about...

If you’ve spent a day outdoors only to come home to even warmer indoor temperatures in the midst of summer, it may be time to take a look at your HVAC unit. Units blowing constant hot air can have many reasons as to why they are performing improperly. If you are in need of immediate...

Have you been suffering from uneven cooling in your home? Experiencing maximum comfort in one room only to notice several other rooms are hot and stuffy? If this is the case in your home, it may be time to think about a zone control for your HVAC system. Here at W.G. Speeks of Richmond, VA...

Foggy windows and doors aren’t the only way to tell you need to dehumidify your home. Indoor spaces with high humidity can pose a threat to your health and comfort in your home. Often times a dehumidifier can solve many of the problems you are having with humidity. Here are a few ways to tell...

Summer is approaching very quickly and the heat is already beginning to crank up. It is very important to make sure you’re keeping utility costs low and affordable. During warmer months, your AC can take a toll on your wallet, but it doesn’t have to. Here are a few tips for keeping your AC usage...

If your Air Conditioning has failed or if you are preparing to crank it up for the warm months ahead, there are many things you can do to avoid problems or notice them. Here are common AC problems that can be damaging your unit, increasing your bill or putting a damper on your comfort. Improper...

Spring is time for change, sunshine and fresh air! If you have already begun your spring cleaning, it isn’t too late to do HVAC maintenance before tucking your system away for the months ahead. Your heating and cooling systems should receive as much attention as other areas of the home. This helps to steer clear...

If you are planning to spend your Valentine’s Day indoors you should be thinking about the quality of your homes air not only this month but forever. In many instances indoor air quality can be worse than outdoor air leading to breathing difficulty, allergies and many unwanted side effects. By following a few easy tips...

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